Naomi Rosenblatt Bio and Statement
Naomi Rosenblatt holds a BFA from The Cooper Union, where she studied painting, printmaking, and design. She earned her MA in Studio Arts from NYU, majoring in photo-printmaking techniques.
“I like to invent memories that could not be my own,” she says. “I am drawn to sources that pre-date me, but I combine nostalgic images with contemporary style, media and techniques.”
Photographs and photoetchings — her own, and those from friends, vintage post cards, atlases and tour books — are the basis of Naomi’s prints and collages. She often composites them digitally, and then creates color xeroxes that are transferred, via solvent processes, to paper. Once they are transferred she builds surface with paints or colored pencil, and collages different elements to them
Solar Ecstasy, a show at SB Digital Gallery, is Naomi’s first exhibition of collages that exist only in light, as well as photographs of her work on paper and wood. This is also the first show that will feature her collaboration with other artists such as master photographer Myron Brenton, Consuelo Gonzalez, dancer and choreographer William Hedberg, her mother Judith Rosenblatt, and other artist friends.
Included in the show will be pages from a “visual novel,” and dedicated collage sequences arranged by theme.
A resident of Manhattan, Naomi has shown at 2/20 Gallery in Chelsea since 2007. She is currently an adjunct professor at NYU’s Center for Publishing, and Creative Director of Heliotrope Books.
The opening reception will be on April 25, Saturday, from 5 to 8 pm. There will be limited edition of posters and prints.
Seolbin Park