With 63 years of his life in East Village, Terry Galmitz, the finest local artist, will present his own places in the neighborhood through his cartoon illustrations at SB D Gallery on October 2, 2010. The project was motivated by Seolbin Park, founder and curator at SB D Gallery, during their interview for possible solo exhibition. For 2 months, Terry revisited over 50 places where meant something to him and the illustrations are put to share with art lovers, especially, East Village advocates.
The illustrations include;
The exhibition will run from October 2, 2010 till December 29, 2010
Opening reception: October 2, Saturday, from 5-8pm , wine and finger foods will be served.
SB D Gallery, 125 East 4th Street (bet 1&2 ave) New York, NY 10003, t.212-979-7239,www.sbdgallery.org
The prints are available for sale in various sizes and the book of “My East Village” will be for sale as well.