The Memorial Service for Kevin Wendall aka FA-Q is set for January 2, 2010, from 4-7pm. Below is the personal letter from Angela, the finance who stood by Kevin throughout his illness with such love and dedication.
Dearest Friends and Family
As some of you may already know, Kevin Wendall aka FA-Q, passed away on Nov 15th. For surgery that was supposed to bring him home in 3 days, he spent 2+ years recovering from complications after the procedure. I want to thank everyone for all the phone calls, emails and messages of support throughout these last few years. For reasons I can’t understand, it comforts me to know that the man who means everything to me, also means something to you. With the help of Toyo, Dennis and Kazuko, I will be putting together a memorial for Kevin, to be held on Sunday Jan. 2, 2011 from 4pm-7pm. Please come and share your stories or pictures of him to put on the wall. We could all use a good laugh, and Kevin was always the first to make that happen, either by telling nonsensical stories or by the goofy faces he loved to make. Join us at: 128 Rivington St NY, NY 10002 Sun. Jan 2, 2011 If you need more info, you can also email me at -Angela |
Baldwin Wallace College, Berea, OH, Major: Fine Arts
Cooper School of Art, Cleveland, OH, Major: Fine Arts
Cuvahoga Community College, Cleveland, OH, Major: Fine Arts
Collaborations with Enrico Baj, Milan, Italy
Rivington School, New York, NY
1990: American Center. Kvoto, Japan Travel Grant
1988: Hankyu Five Department Store. Osaka, Japan Travel Grant
1986: University of Helsinki. Finland Travel Grant
Mark Kostabi and the East Village Scene. Matteo Editore, 2003
Kevin Wendall FA-Q. Fondazione Europa, 1998
Conversazione colt Enrico Baj. Eleuthera, 1997
Prison Life Magazine. Nov. 1996, cover story
Fairpress. 1993
Ecologia dell’Arte. Rizzoli, 1990, p.219
New Art Examiner. Nov.1989, p.28-32
New Art Examiner. Sept. 1989, p.56
Washington Times. March 23, 1989, pE3
Five Star Press. Oct. 1988, No.41
Cityweek. Oct 10, 1988, p58
The Villager. Feb. 18, 1988, p9
Downtown. Dec. 2, 1987, p9A
The New Common Good. Feb/March 1987, p.6
New York. Jan 19, 1987, p.15
Downtown. Dec 10, 1986, p3A
Garten + Landschaft. Sept.1986, p.8
Panorama. June 8, 1986, p.157
Red Tape. May 1986
La Stampa. May 1986, Vol. 120 No. 124, p.3
NY Daily News. Jan. 1986
Jltalehti. 1986
High Performance. Issue 36, 1986, p.18
Uusi Suomi. 1986, p.14,18
Ilta Sanomat. 1986, p.29
Ilta Sanomat. 1986, p19
Work in Collections
Enrico Baj Collection
Santa Barbara Museum. Santa Barbara, California
Nagoya College of Art. Nagoya, Japan
University of Helsinki. Finland
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Artist Book Collection; New York City
Giancarlo Politti Collpction
Karel Appel Collection
1994-1996: Richard Serra, Sculptor’s Assistant, New York, NY
1990-1 992: James Havard, Artist Assistant, New York, NY,
1986-1 988: Studio Museum of Harlem, Installation Assistant, New York, NY
1984-1986: American Craft Museum, Installation Assistant, New York, NY
1982-1 984: Red Grooms, Artist Assistant, New York, NY
1979-1 982: St. Anthony’s Home for Boys, and art teacher/therapist, Cleveland, OH
2001: Gallery Kawafune. Tokyo, Japan
2000: Gallery Kawafune. Tokyo, Japan
1998 Dec.15, Milan, Italy
1997: Gallery Kawafune. Tokyo, Japan
1995: Studio Marconi. Milan, Italy
1993: Now Gallery. New York, NY
1992: Emerging Collector. New York, NY
1992: Studio Marconi. Milan, Italy
1986: Ratingerhof Club. Dusseldorf, Germany
2004: Art from Marz, Tompkins Square Library. New York, NY
2004: KCDC Skateshop. Williamsburg, NY
2002: Summer Group Show, Gallery 128. New York, NY
2001: Firehouse #5 Gallery. NYC
1993: Sixth Sense Gallery. New York, NY
1993: Civilian Warfare Gallery. New York, NY
1993: New York Now (this minute), East Village Art. Anthrax Gallery, Stamford, CT
1993: St. Marks Gallery. New York, NY
1992: Dramatis Personae. New York, NY
1989: L’Arsenale, ii Laboratorio e l’Artista. Amalfi. Italy
1988: Street Collaboration ‘88, Hankyu Five. Osaka, Japan
1986: NYC Street Art, Vahnhan Gallery. Helsinki University, Helsinki, Finland
1986: Graffitti and Street Art, Suomen Aino Gallery. Helsinki, Finland, 1986
1990: Mural for the American Center, Osaka, Japan
1986: Artist in Residence: Kunst Academie, Dusseldorf, West Germany
1986: Artist in Residence: Enrico Baj Studio
Online exhibition at